Back in the day if you told people you listened to hard rock or specifically "metal," people knew you were a cool guy with great taste in music. Maybe you rocked out to AC/DC or Guns N' Roses and their Rad jams about partying and hot chicks. Or you listened to epic anthems from Iron Maiden about battles and fantasy. Or you rode the lightning with Metallica and pumped your fists to songs about obeying your master and being generally badass. Then of course music went to shit and became divided into two separate classifications, both of which were equally shittastic. You were either a totally pussified band that played soft rock jams that fired up nobody. Or you were a totally angry, dark, and gloomy band that played loud thrashing jams that gave you a migraine and would frighten away any females in earshot. The second classification was dubbed metal and more specifically "Nu Metal." Nu Metal is absolutely horrible, and if you listen to it I can only assume you molest kittens and have the severed heads of women in your freezer. Especially if you are among the masses that loyally follow this week's Band That Sucks Balls: SLIPKNOT.
Slipknot is an absolute piece of shit poor excuse for a metal band, in case you couldn't figure that out from the picture above. Jesus Christ. I'm all for dressing up your band in Rad apparel. Crazy makeup, shiny pants, spiked boots, do it up. However if your band's "look" is the world's creepiest group Halloween costume that is not Rad at all that is just frightening and fucking weird. There is nothing less rock and roll than looking like a homicidal maniac. If your rhythm section is comprised of Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and the guy from "Saw" parts 1-17 chances are your music is not something I could throw on at a keg party. Rock and Roll is supposed to be fun. Rock stars are not supposed to look like people you would expect to see while being tortured in a dark rat infested basement and chained to a chair. Could you imagine taking a girl to a Slipknot concert? I seriously can think of no less female-friendly environment that a Slipknot show. Pretty sure just making the offer would make a chick run away screaming for help. Or this response:
You: "Hey I got us Slipknot tickets wanna go?"
Girl: "Umm no thanks. I'm not really in the mood to be bound and gagged in the trunk of a car. Nice knowing you."
Clearly a band that puts so much work into looking like creeptastic freak shows has no time in their schedule to actually record good music. After taking one look at these nutjobs, you can safely assume their music sucks monkey nuts. Amazingly, somehow their music is actually ten times worse than one could even imagine. There's no actual singing in a Slipknot song, the lead psycho just screams and growls incomprehensible lyrics into the microphone. Sometimes he talks in the scariest voice possible throughout the song and saves the screaming and growling for the hook. Either way it blows. There are apparently 93 members of Slipknot, and as is usually the case with shitty ensemble bands these days, more does not equal better. All the guitarists play some loud repetitive thrashing machine gun riff. The drummer just kind of bangs on two pieces of his drum kit continously. Everybody else just stands around headbanging and looking as creepy as possible.
Since I can't actually understand Slipknot's lyrics I had to do some research to find that their songs center around themes such as anger, darkness, disaffection, personal strife...and profanity. :(. Looks like a couple kids got stuffed in their lockers a few too many times and took up screaming cuss words about being all alone in this world while wearing masks. Waaah. Give me a fucking break. Who the fuck wants to listen to that? Um...apparently a lot of people. If I were to say to you "Who debuted at number 1 on the billboard 200 with their last album, and has sold 14 million records?" what would be your response. Taylor Swift? Rihanna? No. Fucking Slipknot. Are you kidding me?? These weirdballs actually have a fucking following? WTF. Who the hell listens to Slipknot and actually buys their shitty records? I mean at least other shitty bands have an obvious audience. Chicks, teenagers, frat douchebags, hipsters. Who the fuck openly likes Slipknot? Are there really millions of people out there jamming out to angry, disaffected thrash jams? That is a scary thought. We need to seriously maximize the full potential of the Patriot Act and start keeping track of purchasers of Slipknot CDs to prevent further school shootings.
Fortunately there aren't really any other psychotic thrash metal bands that have followed Slipknot's example and pursued dreams of mainstream success. So hopefully Slipknot's appeal will finally fade and we won't have to deal with many more loud angst-metal anthems. Maybe someday soon we can return to the days of metal and hard rock being associated with totally Rad party jams and epic arena anthems. Not weirdos in Halloween masks who provide the soundtrack to Rob Zombie horror flicks. Somebody get these psychotic assholes out of here and stuff them back in the high school lockers they came from.
Dude, I totally fucking agree with you. I love your 'bands that suck balls', even though sometimes I disagree with you. These articles made my day. They are fucking hilarious and everyone should read these.
ReplyDeleteLol..this is a great rant. i cant believe fender guitars make 4 different jim root guitars...the asshole guitarist in Slipknot that actually is a hipster..believe it or not..wow. ..whats worse than a shitty metal pyscho band than a shitty metal hipster psycho band.
ReplyDeleteLol..this is a great rant. i cant believe fender guitars make 4 different jim root guitars...the asshole guitarist in Slipknot that actually is a hipster..believe it or not..wow. ..whats worse than a shitty metal pyscho band than a shitty metal hipster psycho band.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me?! You know what hipsters do so people think their into metal? They put on super underground music for people to think that person is unique. You can't even speak proper English when you live in America . What right do you have to say that a band is shit when you don't have the metal capacity to have good grammar. Give me a break. Maybe if you look at what a band is trying to do, someday your mid can comprehend it. Your not going to listen to Slipknot for some super technical guitars, I listen to Slipknot for individuality.
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Deleteslipknot is a fucking garbage band no matter what a stupid fan boy like Kurt Says. BTW don't criticize someones's grammar if you can't even properly spell you're
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ReplyDeleteYeah I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteI saw them play at the Mayhem festival a couple years back, they headlined over bands like Slayer and Motorhead... I was disgusted, and was sort of making a scene while all the 13 year olds jumped up and down and cheered. I made such a scene that security guard brought me a Motorhead tour shirt and asked me to just move on and let the kiddies have their fun... and THAT is a true story.
I did, I got on my Harley and rode off with that stupid poser band still blaring their hybrid math-rock/emo metal dogshit. Any show i attend in the future, that has Slipknot headlining, will be another show that I can leave early and avoid the traffic jams.
Maybe if you accepted the band for what they are, you should get it. Don't try to act superior to the fans, your basically insecure about yourself because you think you have a better taste in music. Slipknot is not an average metal band. They can execute sadness, sorrow, and rage in interesting way. I love them, but their are heavier bands. They are not trying to be the heaviest band in the world, but their as heavy as they need to be. Don't think your tough shit either with that Harley of yours. You got a big ego, don't you?
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DeleteYou also do realize most of these bands like Slayer's biggest fan base had a large amount of teens too? So you can't say for just angry kids, because it was the exact same situation Slayer and other bands were in too?
DeleteSorry dude, accepting slipknot for what they are means accepting them as a garbage band and a bunch of hacks that treat their fans like shit.
yeah, but tell us how do you really feel
DeleteSlipknot are for clueless teenage girls
ReplyDeleteI do feel like they are a band people go to and move on from, but the thing we are not going to ignore is how hard it'd be for 6-8 guys keeping tempo at the same time with heavy instruments, that's some hard shit. respect to them for that..
ReplyDeleteYou are the man! From the gay costuming, to the one dimensional riffing and their asshole 13 year old fans, the best thing about them was their drummer, and hell: he wrecked his body trying to stay on top of beats like that WITH SEQUENCERS!
ReplyDeleteMetal is dead. Time to face it. Thank God if you saw the heyday of the NWOBHM: because by 1983, idiot drummer Lars Ulrich forced the result: Slipknot, and hack bands like them, right the fuck down EVERYBODY'S throat. Tesseract is awesome. In Flames is, Meshuggah is, and the field is definitely thinned. Lamb of God, too. But thank God for Tool ...
For now
"Fortunately there aren't really any other psychotic thrash metal bands that have followed Slipknot's example and pursued dreams of mainstream success." actually supposedly these dim wits ripped off Mushroomhead or sum shit, or that's another band that wears masks like them - otherwise agree with your rant
ReplyDeleteWhoever the fuck you are you seem like an ignorant cunt. Slipknot never ripped off mushroom head, I bet the band members get laid more than you ever will. If you think slipknot is scary then try cannibal corpse you weeb
ReplyDeleteDo you suck cock with that mouth?
DeleteFuck Slipknot fuck all those wanna be poser ass cornball bag of dicks bands I'd rather hear my mom getting anal than hear that garbage and garbage is putting it nice
ReplyDeleteMom getting cornholed sounds waaaay better.
DeleteI have tried to understand the fascination with Slipknot and have no clue what they are singing or trying to do. After you see Maiden still capable of complex arrangements and Bruce singing better than ever, it is even more difficult to understand the appeal.
ReplyDeleteshut the fuck up boomer
ReplyDeleteHow original. /s
DeleteIf you used ur ears you could hear actually singing in Slipknot songs
ReplyDeleteBand does suck
ReplyDeleteAll you mo fos need Norwegian black metal. And I imagine Kurt has body odor
ReplyDeleteBrainless assholes with no soul are impressed with bands like Slip Crap. It's a cash in for the band, nothing more. If polka sold tickets they would be playing that instead.
ReplyDeleteIt's just awful. Bad and really,really dumb. And I listen to black metal. No, they are really a Halloween costume with epic levels of noise vomit diarrhea I'm gonna have a stroke stupid gimmick. Really