I was having some difficulty coming to a decision on who would be this week's entry for Bands That Suck Balls. Then inspiration struck me when I went to Super Cuts to get my head buzzed. In waiting in line for my haircut I perused the reading options in the magazine pile and came across the December issue of "Spin Magazine" pictured left. Spin Magazine is basically Rolling Stone for hipsters. Or at least hipsters that are not quite hip enough to read "Pitchfork" or "Paste." Long story short their magazine blows, and any band they would pick to grace their cover is undoubtedtly awful. Therefore, It's only logical that this week's Band That Sucks Balls be: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.
God, My Chemical Romance are such a collection of dipshits. First of all they follow the standard modern band trend of naming their band some stupid random combination of words that emphasizes "Irony." How exactly does a group of assclowns decide to name their band "My Chemical Romance"..? I thought to myself "hmm, well maybe they're referencing a Chemical Romance: i.e. a relationship built on lots of crazy substance abuse." Nope. Obviously a craptastic band like this wouldn't hint at any cool behavior in their name. No, clearly MCR came up with their name via noticing the interesting title of a book while one of their members was working in a library (Totally Un-Rad activity). If you think their band's name is lame, wait till you see the titles of their albums. They just released a new CD this week entitled "Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys." WHAT? I'm pretty sure there has never been a badass rock album with the word "Fabulous" in its title. Their debut album was entitled "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me our Love." Jesus Christ. Remember when awesome bands just named their first four albums "I" through "IV"..? That was cool.
Clearly a band that spends so much time coming up with clever ironic names for their records, must have no time to actually record cool music. My Chemical Romance is proof of this because their music is fucking horrible. Lets name off some genres/themes that absolutely suck monkey balls.
"Alternative": Noise
"Power Punk": Sucks Balls
"Emo": Pussy bullshit
"Goth": code for "I am a fucking loser whose entire wardrobe is from Hot Topic"
Well if you combine all these elements in one giant crockpot of shit and stir, you get My Chemical Romance. If you were to label these dickheads, you would say that they are an Alternative Power Punk Emo Goth band . Which is a longwinded way of saying My Chemical Romance plays "rock" that makes me want to punt puppies off a skyscraper. Generally Emo/Goth kids play pussy music with a more quiet sound. They are too busy keeping their combover out of their eye, and being sad that they didn't get a new Honda Accord for their birthday to turn up their amps. My Chemical Romance however, fancy themselves as a punk band so they play loud, thrashing pansy music as opposed to brooding acoustic pansy music. Music for their depressed fanbase to mosh to. A fanbase that all look like the offspring of a hipster mating with Edward Scissorhands.
My Chemical Romance is also another one of those bands that likes to make "concept" albums and "Rock Operas." Generally these albums are long drawn out pieces of shit. See "The Wall" and anything made by Green Day this millenium. Hell, I'm a pretty huge fan of The Who and I'm not crazy about "Quadrophenia" and "Tommy" in their entirety. Still, there is possibly nothing worse in the world than the "concept" of an Emo-Goth-Punk rock opera. Do you want to know what MCR's last hit album "The Black Parade" was about...? A FUCKING KID DYING OF CANCER. Are you kidding me?? Who the hell wants to listen to that? I mean nothing is more in the spirit of Rock and Roll than an album about a leukemia patient. Christ. Can you just shoot me in the face and save me the trouble of hanging myself to this CD? Whatever happened to the "concept" of a rock album being just a documentary of your last Rad world tour? Somebody pull the cord on these assholes before they decide to record an entire rock opera about a family perishing in a car wreck.
God, My Chemical Romance are such a collection of dipshits. First of all they follow the standard modern band trend of naming their band some stupid random combination of words that emphasizes "Irony." How exactly does a group of assclowns decide to name their band "My Chemical Romance"..? I thought to myself "hmm, well maybe they're referencing a Chemical Romance: i.e. a relationship built on lots of crazy substance abuse." Nope. Obviously a craptastic band like this wouldn't hint at any cool behavior in their name. No, clearly MCR came up with their name via noticing the interesting title of a book while one of their members was working in a library (Totally Un-Rad activity). If you think their band's name is lame, wait till you see the titles of their albums. They just released a new CD this week entitled "Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys." WHAT? I'm pretty sure there has never been a badass rock album with the word "Fabulous" in its title. Their debut album was entitled "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me our Love." Jesus Christ. Remember when awesome bands just named their first four albums "I" through "IV"..? That was cool.
Clearly a band that spends so much time coming up with clever ironic names for their records, must have no time to actually record cool music. My Chemical Romance is proof of this because their music is fucking horrible. Lets name off some genres/themes that absolutely suck monkey balls.
"Alternative": Noise
"Power Punk": Sucks Balls
"Emo": Pussy bullshit
"Goth": code for "I am a fucking loser whose entire wardrobe is from Hot Topic"
Well if you combine all these elements in one giant crockpot of shit and stir, you get My Chemical Romance. If you were to label these dickheads, you would say that they are an Alternative Power Punk Emo Goth band . Which is a longwinded way of saying My Chemical Romance plays "rock" that makes me want to punt puppies off a skyscraper. Generally Emo/Goth kids play pussy music with a more quiet sound. They are too busy keeping their combover out of their eye, and being sad that they didn't get a new Honda Accord for their birthday to turn up their amps. My Chemical Romance however, fancy themselves as a punk band so they play loud, thrashing pansy music as opposed to brooding acoustic pansy music. Music for their depressed fanbase to mosh to. A fanbase that all look like the offspring of a hipster mating with Edward Scissorhands.
My Chemical Romance is also another one of those bands that likes to make "concept" albums and "Rock Operas." Generally these albums are long drawn out pieces of shit. See "The Wall" and anything made by Green Day this millenium. Hell, I'm a pretty huge fan of The Who and I'm not crazy about "Quadrophenia" and "Tommy" in their entirety. Still, there is possibly nothing worse in the world than the "concept" of an Emo-Goth-Punk rock opera. Do you want to know what MCR's last hit album "The Black Parade" was about...? A FUCKING KID DYING OF CANCER. Are you kidding me?? Who the hell wants to listen to that? I mean nothing is more in the spirit of Rock and Roll than an album about a leukemia patient. Christ. Can you just shoot me in the face and save me the trouble of hanging myself to this CD? Whatever happened to the "concept" of a rock album being just a documentary of your last Rad world tour? Somebody pull the cord on these assholes before they decide to record an entire rock opera about a family perishing in a car wreck.
Well there are a lot of whiney, brooding pussies amongst today's youth so My Chemical Romance's target audience should remain intact for a while. They also have the benefit of critical acclaim from douchbag media outlets like Spin Magazine who love bands that don't follow the standard badass rock and roll format. So we are probably in store for more shitty concept albums with 10 word titles. Albums that gobble nuts like you gobble up stuffing on Thanksgiving. Well don't expect me to support this bullshit. My Chemical Romance and their army of goth punks can all go jump off a bridge. That's a concept I could really get behind.
look at your fancy blog!
ReplyDeleteYou basically have the worst opinions ever.
ReplyDeleteOh you must be one of those emo lil bitches (aka clueless 12 year olds who just discovered boring, shitty alternative music). Fuck off and shove that MCR cd up your ass, pussy.
Deleteyeah, what he said, emo bitch get fucked, mcr is a sad excuse for a rock or metal band, whoever likes them obviously hasn't grown the balls to turn on a slayer record because the album makes them cry, therefore stop acting like your all hardcore mcr is for fags
DeleteYou spend the entire time whining about what they title their music, not about the actual music they make. You can't seem to critique this band with respect or intellect. You never show an ounce of maturity or experience in music, and your article was a complete bore. You fail.
ReplyDeletecan you do a piece on 'generic white kid bands and how they suck'
'My Chemical Romance' actually is a reference to 'Ecstasy: Three Tales Of Chemical Romance', by Irvine Welsh. That's the guy who wrote fucking 'Trainspotting'. It's not a random combination of words. Do some research before writing all that shit.
ReplyDeleteBesides that, do you think that "a relationship built on lots of crazy substance abuse" is a "cool behavior"? You must be a fucking pothead.
That would explain a lot, actually.
Niggas be salty
Deleteif your going to "critique" them actually do that not insult things that have nothing to do with the actual music they play, jackass.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has their own opinions, so I can't get mad at you for having yours.
ReplyDeleteI see a problem in your need to tell the whole world about them *without any sound support*.
Not once do you comment on the music aspect of their albums, just the concept, genre, and titles.
How are you supposed to judge somthing from its title?
I dont like 90% of what pop music puts out, but then again, I dont have an uninformed hate blog about it.
This doesnt make my opinions better, or even more right. It makes me, a teenage girl, who if you saw on the street you would no doubt dislike, a general better person than you.
There just isn't any mature way to bash MCR... people should quit trying... it just never comes out sounding intelligent. They make great music and I personally think their theme of concept albums tell really interesting stories. Sure, the fanbase can get annoying (which is why I choose not to associate with poser fans &/or fans who didn't like them since Three Cheers for sweet Revenge)
ReplyDeletethe Black Parade was depressing - but that does not make it bad music... it wasn't my favorite album by them, but I still like it a lot because you can obviously tell the difference between music with emotions rather than other genres who speak of nothing in particular.
as the others have pointed out, you didn't do a good job of stating why you don't like the music itself... you just judged off of titles and stereotypes. So, you obviously failed at this post.
All their songs are derivative, simplistic pop songs in the guise of "punk" so people can enjoy clichéd pop melodies and still act superior to those who like boy bands and stuff. Honestly, fans of pop music are better because they (at least most of them) don't claim their music is somehow complex or intelligent or act like they're fans of actual musicians. Also, it's easy to write about something as clichéd and ostentatiously tragic as a kid with cancer, not that it isn't a horrible disease and a sad topic, but it's been done so many times and MCR didn't add any new angle on it. Let's see them try to write an intellectually challenging concept album like "V: The New Mythology Suite" by Symphony X. It has an intelligent and powerful story that manages to invoke the mysticism of ancient Egyptian mythology and culture without being derivative, as well as wonderfully written music that actually parallels the lyrical content (yes, kids, music can actually convey emotion) rather than a random series of jaunty power chords while someone whines gleefully about the most depressing subject imaginable. I agree that this guy didn't do a good job of addressing exactly why MCR sucks, but he was still right.
DeleteSir... you are officially my hero. Im a MCR fan and you're still my hero.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, the names of their albums and songs are meant to be humorous, obviously. Lemme guess, you're an Amon Amarth type of guy? Hm? Well, MCR fans, HOllywood Undead fans, a LOT of fans of bands singing about shitty stuff, can relate to said shitty stuff. Fucking listen to the lyrics before you go on a bitch fest, kay?
ReplyDeleteMCR does suck ass. You bunch of Emo fags. There is really nothing original about them. Nothing. Even their old albums sound weak.
ReplyDeleteyeh, i have to agree with you that they have the lamest name ever but their music are fine though
ReplyDeleteI just want to say, that this is the most biased, illiterate fucking piece of trash article I have ever read. You obviously have some form of misguided hatred toward them, judging them by theyre titles of theyre albums? You wouldnt know what art is if it hit you in your stupid white trash fucking face. and goth army? Get real, but its okay, because gou clearly show your stupidity in the terrible writing and constant stereotyping, thanks for humoring me. Get off my lawn fuckface
ReplyDeleteHey asshat just cus your 12 and havent found yourself doesnt mean you talk shit you knew what you walked into that's why it say Mcr is only for lil bitches who are oversensitive. Fuckface
DeleteThis is one of the worst articles I have ever read. Clearly you haven't listened to any of their music because you tend to focus on the names of songs and albums. And your little remark about the black parade and the kid dying of cancer. That's not what the song is about. It's actually a young man and the journey of death. You don't see me going around commenting on music I don't like. So before you go saying things about a brilliant band. Think things through.
ReplyDeleteYou, sir, are a douchebag. Do you KNOW what they stand for? Being yourself, expressing yourself, never taking anyone's shit, and standing your ground. Oh, yeah, such emo shit when their first song is about 9/11, and recovering from that. Can you tell me anything about this band, past the fact that they have been grouped as "emo", "Pop/punk", "Alternative", and "goth"? No? Let me tell you this: the lead singer—Gerard Way, yes, learn the names of those you dare to insult!—recovered from being stoned and drunk for 3 solid years to become a father and husband. The bassist, Mikey Way, went from being that kid with the glasses that stands in the corner not saying/doing anything, to actually interviewing. He had a breakdown while recording one album, and returned to finish it, for his friends. Frank Iero, the rhythm guitarist, once proved that yes, the show must go on, when he performed while hooked to an oxygen tank. Ray Toro, the lead guitarist, is talented, and he's stuck with these guys—his brothers in arms, as I'd put it—since the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but please, before you act like a douche, actually listen to the music. Learn a bit about the band. Then, hate all you want. But expect a backlash from the MCRmy, the Killjoys, and fans all over the fuckin' world.
Thank you so much. <3 It is fans like you that make me proud to be a Killjoy.
DeleteI respect your opinion, but I have to say this: If you took the time to actually read up on them, you'd know that the name "My Chemical Romance" wasn't anything random; Mikey and Gerard were both working "Crappy jobs" at Barnes & Noble; Mikey was shown a stack of Irvine Welsh books, and, upon thumbing through them, noticed the snippet "Ecstasy: 5 Tales of Chemical Romance" (Mikey is later referenced as a great band namer; see Life on The Murder Scene). HOWEVER, as he later struggled with drug abuse and depression, Gerard discovered that THE NAME HAD GONE FROM MEANING "ANTIDEPRESSANTS", TO "DRUG ADDICTION". Your arguments are unfounded.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing very important information on this blog.really i got great information here........My Chemical Romance
ReplyDeleteAmen, about ime someone had the balls to speak the truth about the winy, emo, unoriginal MCR. Their name is lame, they look like toothpicks in emo goth clothing, and their music sucks. No two ways about it, their music sucks. The only real fanbase they have are preteen girls who look past the crap music and adult fans who are old enough to know better. Seroiusly, how can girls think they are attractive? Its like Edward Scissorhands raped the Joker. It's a shame modern music has the face of suck a two bit garage band. It ,akes me sad that the younger crowd has that crap to listen to instead of the good old days of true Rock and Roll and REAL punk rock.
ReplyDeleteHe does comment on the music. He states that they are obviously too busy coming up with stupid titles to make an actual good song. He also says that it only appeals to depressed people and mentions the bland, unoriginal and repetitive songs they release. It is just opinion and I, personally agree with it. It's a blog, and you can't make him change what he thinks.
ReplyDeleteFuck you and your opinions old man... I know I'm supposed to be like: Oh yeah people have their own opinions but my chemical romance have so much beyond them you fucking ass.
ReplyDeleteThey've made a difference to many people and saved life.
And for you fucking stupid ass tiny brain, their band name is from a book, so what?! i wager you couldn't come up with a better name and your voice sucks..
Fuck you.
I brought you my bullets, You brought me your love.
MCR Isn't Emo fuckterd.
NOBODY would want to save you from killing yourself cos you don't deserve to live on this planet...
Do you even know why MCR sing??
They said it was an idea not a band you douchebag!
Next time, You should keep your opinions off the internet dude... really.
Don't be surprised if you wake up tomorrow morning, and someone is standing above you with a fucking knife ready to stab your eyeballs...
Fucking pissed me off.
Signing off... Mofo.
lives* >.<
DeleteGonna cry cuz your favorite cock suckers were dissed?
DeleteBud Are You Fuckin Slow M8? My Chemical Romance Saves Lives, So Drop The Shitshow And Go Try To Beat Your Erectile Dis-function You old Fuck!
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of the people here in the comment section. MCR saved my life when they stopped me from committing suicide. Their overall message was not to be "whiny" or "depressed", but it was too save lives and don't let anyone else change you no matter what ever happened. They are some of the nicest, dearest humans ever to walk the face of the earth. Rather than other modern shit, MCR cares about their fans and not just the money they are making. Also, their third studio album, "The Black Parade", was not about a person with cancer. It is about moving on and it taught us it was okay to feel sad, it was okay to feel mad, and it was okay to hurt. You should really look more into bands before you diss them.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, these albums molded me into the human being that I am today. I am not depressed, MCR helped me with my depression. I am not suicidal, MCR helped me this suicidal thoughts. Without these albums in my life I would not be nearly as happy as I am today.
Do you realize how many people you just hurt? Do you realize how many people you caused to sink lower than they have ever been? let's say If a kid picks up an MCR cd for the first time and likes it, then they go home and do all sorts of research about it, and find articles online about how "unoriginal" or "crappy" they are, written by butterfucks like yourself.
Honestly, I would continue with this, but I don't think Jesus would approve of what I would type. :p
I am going to leave you with this:
If you had a child (i'm assuming you don't because you probably have a neckbeard and have grease all over yourself and no one wants to fuck you) And If your child starts listening to MCR and loved them and they wanted to be just like them when they grow up, Would you crush your child's dreams? Or would you be a mature person and let him/her explore in their own free will?
DeleteWho's here in 2017?
Me boi
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am actually laughing so hard rn xD
ReplyDeletestfu nigger lover
ReplyDeleteMCR are indeed fucking terrible and all their fans are 10-15 year old lil girls who don't know anything about "emo"/"punk rock". I'm glad that shitty band broke up 4 years ago. Hahahaha!!
Yeah MCR does suck.
ReplyDeletemcr is a good band.
ReplyDeletereason why people hate them:their looks,their fanbase, "EMO"
Look, I dislike MCR, I really do, but your review just makes you sound like a 5-year-old kid ranting about a new sonic game. This isn't even a review it's just a completely biased and awful rant,get real. Make a review when you actually write one correctly.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI really dont understand where this hate comes from. I'm that type of person who listens to various artsits. From G n' R to Hall & Oates, Little River band, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, The Beatles, so on... Name it. I love music that much, and that doesn't mean that I don't hate some of it. But if I do, I make sure I have a valid reason. Not just hating for the sake of hating. This band, MCR started of as Scene and later on evolved as a punk/rock band. They write genius lyrics and make amazing instrumentals. their appearance and title idea might be a bit strange but that's because it's their own way of expressing their art. The same way other bands like Metallica, Slipknot and Iron Maiden look the way they do. And yes tbh, the fanbase is somehow toxic, that isn't something the band should carry on their shoulders. They affect many people during their prime and that says something. I am not very fond of their second album because it sounds too angry. But fuck the third album is so good it could almost pass the level of Queen. They even released a collection of songs way back from 2009 if I'm not mistaken which was so good. Yes there are some songs from their albums that are not that great but most of them are way better than those pop and rap songs that constantly talk about sex and drugs and nothing. If you pay close attention to their music, you'll find the depth of art you're missing. Gerard way is a true artist by heart I get it why so many people misunderstand his art. That's what most real artists get from being too unique. Hatred from people who can't understand them. We hate things that we don't understand. Plus. I will add this because I've been pissed by someone on Facebook. 2000's era was a strange part of the timeline. It's the time when people started to notice about the importance of mental health which was adly ignored during the past decades before it. It is because of these emo bands during that era that parents who usually ignore their children started to spend time understanding. And I think that's the gift we get from these emotional bands you're labeling. The world is changing sir. And it will continue to change. Music will evolve so let's brace ourselves. Music is a form of art. Just because something is different from what you've been used doesn't mean it sucks. Just because these bands from the 2000's differs from the sound you've been used to from the 70's, 80's or 90's doesn't mean they're crap. Just because they broke the usual rock music standards doesn't mean they're not making great music. They're great it their own way. It's time for people like you to open your mind. Cause that's what music is all about. That's what art is all about. Changing. Evolving and growing up.
ReplyDeleteQueen level? Ugh no. Stfu
DeleteI Agree My Gf is a fan so I dont share my opinion about Mcr I personally think mcr is bad because my gf thinks worse of herself when she listens to it the music is way to depressing and it makes people even kids who feel bad already about there self, The music makes the fans *mostly oversensitive kids* feel bad more
ReplyDeleteAgreed! They suck unless you’re a 13 year old girl with daddy issues.
ReplyDeleteOkay, no.
ReplyDeleteCan you not just respect other people's music?
It's okay that you don't like them, that's your opinion, but this is a band that helps to raise awareness about mental illness, and has genuinely helped so many people and improved their lives, and they've helped many people not commit suicide.
The band members are all great people, unlike many singers and celebrities genuinely care about the lives of their fans, their families, and themselves.
They aren't just in it for the money and fame, they love what they do and did.
One of you other peoples say that they make kids feel bad about themselves, but to quote Gerard Way, their lead singer, "“Hey, girls, you're beautiful. Don't look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you're a size 4 or 14. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you're a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it's been told hundreds of times before, but it's true. Hey, girls, you are beautiful."
How does that make people feel bad about themselves?
Their songs say the same things. Their lyrics are anti-suicidal as well.
So I ask of you all to keep your negative comments to yourselves and think about what you say before you type it out. Or at least listen to the music before thinking these things.
Look, I'm not a fan of MCR and I'm not defending them, but this is the worst article I've ever read. It looks like an angry 5 year old kid wrote it. All you talked about is how their name is lame and how the name of the albums is not badass. You never talked about the actual music they make. It seems like you're the type of person who follows the stream of people hating on something with no clue and reason. All of your articles are the same. Please learn how to express your feelings about something in a mature way.
ReplyDeletebtw this article is 10 years old and its basically dead.
Deletemcr is dogshit period.
DeleteBro, I know this article is dead, but everyone is being really toxic over a dumb article, I like MCR, they aren't the best, but they are okay. And no one deserves to be called emo fags for no reason. I think they are fine. Go ahead tell me I don't know "real music" but where did your idea of "real music" come from anyway, it is just your opinion, it's not like there is some "real music club" or something. What is wrong with emotional 13 year olds finding something that makes them happy? Everyone deserves to find something that makes them happy.
ReplyDeleteCriticisms of this band come from the same group of retards who can't differentiate between image and sound. Just because you don't like their looks, doesn't mean that has to reflect their musicality. Give an actual reason to not like the band, actually criticize their music. What do you not like about their music? Typically, even when these compounds of fecal matter get into why they don't like the music, it's usually "hurrr de durrr, they are not real music, guuhhhh. Pop Punk is gay, emo". These are the same people who would shit on you for liking Green Day then act like the fucking Sex Pistols were the tits. If you want to die on that hill, go ahead. You know and I know these are not arguments, they are biases. I can guarantee you if these people were around during the 80s, they'd be on about how: "Goth bands like Bauhaus and Burning Skies Of Elysium are not real music, they are only made for socially awkward freaks in trench coats. That fag, Ian Curtis, hung himself because he was so goth and sucked so bad".
ReplyDeleteMost people entirely miss the point of MCR, if they label them emo. I'm not gonna beat the "they save lives" drum because while that is a noble thing, an emo band can still have that goal. Their music isn't Emo because they blatantly said it isn't and most of their themes don't rely on the emotional aspects of the lyrics. Revenge is supposed to be like a B-movie, about two lovers caught in a gunfight that results in one of them dying and the other making a deal with Satan to bring her back (yes, it's supposed to be dumb). Black Parade is less overtly about the cancer and more about The Patient's journey to the afterlife, as they reflect upon their past regrets, manifested by a warped version of their strongest memory. Danger Days is about superheroes fighting a mega corporation. Now they seen to be tackling mythology and magick. None of these are Emo topics.