Generally when you are a Rad band, at some point you reach an expiration date. I mean being Rad is just hard to pull of once you reach a certain age. I mean lets face it, even the Rolling Stones are getting to become a caricature ofthemselves at this point and they are amongst the raddest dudes in history. There is however, one band that I am convinced will never stop being rad. Seriously these guys will still have an aura of rad surrounding their band when they are 95. Wherever they pull up to in their awesome customized Hot Rod truck, they are instantly the raddest dudes at the party. I am talking of course about the band responsible for this week's Friday Afternoon Rad Jam: ZZ Top.
ZZ Top is a timeless Rad band. Like a fine wine they just get better with age. Seriously you were never..at any point as rad as these dudes are at 60+. When you look at ZZ Top you see a band that absolutely doesn't give a fuck. They may be the most uniquely rad band, as they don't follow anybody's example. They have long extended homeless man bands. They have furry guitars..that spin. They have truck exhaust microphone stands. They dress in boots and trench coats and always wear sunglasses no matter how dark the venue. ZZ Top along with Jack Nicholson dispel the myth that the only people who wear sunglasses indoors/at night are blind people and assholes. Make that blind people, assholes...and Rad dudes.
I wanted to go with a Rad 80s music video for ZZ Top's entry, but it was too hard to pick one since all of ZZ Top's videos are basically the same. ZZ Top shows up in their Rad ZZ Top Hot Rod pickup truck with a cavalry of hot chicks. They give the Hot Rod keys to some poor young schmuck. He has the time of his life with adorementioned cavalry of hot chicks. End of story. So I decided to go with a concert clip of ZZ Top to give you the full package of their Rad stage set. ZZ Top is from Texas (Raddest state in the union) so here is their live performance of "Legs" live from the Lone Star State. Pewww! Enjoy your weekend folks. Hopefully you are lucky enough to get scooped up by ZZ Top's babe filled Hot Rod truck on this Friday night.
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